How Safe Is Your Web Data From Cyber Attacks? When we want to build a website, we must also consider the security of web hosting that we use. Not all web hosting servers provide security to the data of their client. You need to make sure you choose the most secure web hosting server for your website. There are a lot of hackers who are ready to steal your data. If you do not use secure hosting server, your website may be hacked someday.
Your website hosting using the Virtual Private Server (VPS) or shared server web hosting can make your website vulnerable to the attacks of some unknown hackers. The hackers do their job by uploading a very dangerous malware or some hazardous sites or codes to the hosting server. After they upload the code, the code is likely to be activated automatically or can be triggered accidentally by the administrators when they do server maintenance on a regular basis. Thus, it will become a hazard to all their clients whose data is hosted on their hosting server.
What kind of secure server hosting should a web hosting provider have to keep their clients’ data safe from cyber-attack? Here are some concepts of a secure server hosting that a provider must consider in giving hosting service.
Whom do they offer the services to? Does the hosting’ belong to an open access hosting that can be used by anyone? Is it free of charge hosting? This is a red flag or a warning for us. Free hosting services are often used by hackers to entice users to visit their site, then the users does not realize that they are downloading a malicious programs that can be very harmful for the entire network of the provider.
Is your provider always vigilant? The hosting area and the network components should be monitored anytime to ensure that there will be no malicious code that is used by the hacker to hack the server. Secure server hosting networks must be monitored 24 hours every day, either inside or outside. If there are sites that are disturbed, their monitoring system should recognize and detect it automatically so the provider can handle the threat and then remove it.
Do they apply a trusted firewall for secure server hosting? A Firewall on the host sites must be configured to deny malicious traffic unless in particular it is given a permission. Security controls of the provider should continuously be tested well both from the inside and outside of their network. Do not forget to ask for security assistance to address some issues related to the security that may occur so that you website data will be secured.
Can your provider always be contacted every day? What if our website gets in trouble? Or could we could handle by ourselves? If we do a backup or restore and continue to fail, then the secure server hosting provider should be able to be contacted. Sometimes, the provider is the only one who is able to restore backup data or backup site to the entire network or for one particular site. This simple routine step is done in order to keep our website monitored well.
In summary, those are several things that a client or a provider must consider when they want to use a secure server hosting or when the provider wants to give protection to their clients. As a client, you must be smart in choosing the right web hosting. As a provider, you have to give full security to the data of your clients so that they will always trust on your service.
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